Projects we generously decided to share with you

Most of them we created and then bought by ourselves, for ourselves. Want in? eeeh..... ok

  • Karma Chameleons

    NFT Collection - the creators of universes - lizzard multidimensional entities who started all of it. ETH blockchain.

  • Midnight Apes

    From the multiverse, the chameleons seeded the Earth with THE APES. Now, they are returning the favor...

  • Fukiyu

    A middle finger to all the web3 world and a KEY FACTOR in the launch of every MIDNIGHT project... Good cat/dog/dragon galaxy guardian - Fukiyu

  • 404 Birds

    A Beautiful, amazing NFT collection showcasing all the extinct birds in all their true appearance, animating them into life. Missing (404) birds collection on Base

  • LV Baby Community

    A private community and a NFT you cannot buy. A real-world lore-driven virtual company led by the Luxury (LV) Babies. Get ready for drama, hostile takeovers and more through this real-life soap opera.