Understanding the NFT chaos

NFTS.one is my NFT publishing experience, documented

For so long I've been in crypto world... Developing smart contracts, creating web3 apps... and yet, I realised I know nothing about the whole NFT world.

NFT market isn't what it seems

As an ex marketer, I've always seen the NFT world only as a possible way to earn money for those who know what they're doing, and at most, a gambling experience for the rest.

NFT's are about the experience

Internet being what it is - a long-withheld need for a community became apparently expressed through various, seemingly impossible to understand internet movements.

Memes, degen aesthetics and culture, various "-core" aesthetic subculture movements... almost all the things that anyone older than 20 will not understand right away.

No, the new generation isn't fucked up - they are just expressing the need for online "touch" through those various culture movements. You could say internet is the only thing they've known their whole life and as such "ill-defined" generation, they are finding new and unique ways of expressing themselves on the internet.

Remember your emo phase? Yes, you (we) DID look ridiculous. And yes, nobody older than 20 at the time understood that.

So, it's about culture?

Yes. Culture and community is the only thing truly driving this seemingly forever-cursed market.

Why else would the NFT market be declared instinct and then be reborn bigger than ever?

The kids are not in it for the money, the kids are in it for the experience.

Imagine being a part of a generation that knows no joy of decadent youth since they spent their formative years in a lockdown. Imagine being a part of a generation whose primary way of communicating and "playing" with friends is in the online spaces.

Well, the joy of youth doesn't stop and neither does their creativity and spirit.

If you imagine yourself as being a part of that generation, you can easily imagine yourself instantly liking an image because it holds so much emotion, so much of who you are and you feel like you belong here purely because of the emotional value of gazing at that picture.

Right-click + save does nothing

As a part of the group that mocked NFTs for being stupid - I now fully understand that right click + save does nothing to anihilate the value of an NFT.

This is because a value of an NFT isn't in the image - it's in the experience of being surrounded with people that are exactly the same as you on the inside, and need no words to express it.

You are instantly connected with your people solely through looking at, and collecting images of a similar aesthetic - thus, creating a culture from the ground up.

Now, imagine being a part of a discord channel, a telegram group, a wechat community or any other online space where YOUR people are.

This is now the equivalent of a playground, and not only that - it's a playground filled with the coolest kids around, kids that are exactly like you. Where nobody will mock who you are and what you are because you are all the same.

Congratulations, you now understand NFT's

I made this blog because I turned from an alt-right NFT hater to an unfixable believer in the internet as a magical place of understanding, love, and culture.

Follow my journey through this wild world and explore new values of culture with me.